en English

Food waste shredder

HX industrial hazardous waste shredder is designed as a rotary shear crusher with low speed, high torque and high output according to the characteristics of materials.

Additional information

Discharge particle size


Processing capacity


Equipment power


Food waste shredder

Kitchen waste refers to the garbage generated in the daily life of residents, food processing, catering services, etc., including discarded vegetable leaves, leftovers, leftovers, peels, egg shells, tea residues, bones, etc., and its main source is households Kitchens, restaurants, restaurants, canteens, markets and other industries related to food processing.
Kitchen waste contains extremely high moisture and organic matter, which is easily spoiled and produces foul odors. After proper treatment and processing, it can be converted into new resources. The high organic matter content makes it possible to use it as fertilizer, feed after strict treatment, and also to generate biogas for fuel or power generation, and the oil part can be used to prepare biofuel.

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