en English

Trommel screen

The trommel screen is to screen according to the different properties and diameters of the materials to be screened. It can be designed into a circular screen cylinder and an inner hexagonal screen cylinder.

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Trommel screen

The trommel screen is to screen according to the different properties and diameters of the materials to be screened. It can be designed into a circular screen cylinder and an inner hexagonal screen cylinder. Holes of different sizes sort different types of materials (less than 80mm inert to sand, broken glass, ceramics and stone, etc., 80mm to 200mm for recyclable plastics, and 200mm to 300mm for paper and large plastics). The parts with a size smaller than the diameter of the screen mesh respectively fall to the bottom of the machine, and the parts with a size larger than the diameter of the screen mesh move forward above the machine. When moving, they fall into the discharge hopper in the direction of entry and exit.

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